Earth and Sky

Earth and Sky

Jeffery's Bay South Africa - Study Abroad Journal
Cape of Good Hope - Study Abroad Journal

Study Abroad Journal's Earth and Sky department features environmental stories, issues and successes from student and teachers around the globe. Experiential or travel essays are welcome, particularly those that focus on the historical geography of special places in far-flung locations around the world.

Do you have story, journal, or travel experience that you think would support and bring awareness to natural places around the globe?

  • Climate Change
  • Coastal Management
  • Conservation Studies
  • Geography
  • Environmental Management
  • Historical Geography
  • Suggest a topic...


Photos and Story by our Editor in Chief, Dr. Steven Martin

Click here or on the photos to read the online article


Cambodia is a small country with an awe-inspiring history, where natural resources and the opportunities presented by geography played a leading role in the development of one of the world’s greatest historical civilizations, the Khmer.

Cambodia | Short Clips 2015 | Dr Steven Martin | University Filmworks

Learning Adventures

Learning Adventures

Study Abroad Journal features Learning Adventures, a Department with students' and teachers' personal and educational travel experiences.

Check out our Editor's personal Learning Adventure pages.

Learning Adventures include fun, travel, and sports, such as surfing, skiing, hiking, horseback riding, or great and memorable experiences with a twist of adventure worth publishing and sharing. We welcome stories of memorable travels during weekends and holidays, and before or after their study abroad program dates.

Do have a story or short video to share with the world?

Contact us. | Learning Adventures

Ray Paleg gets air time while studying abroad!

Classic Programs

Classic Programs

Study Abroad Journal's Classic Programs section features time-honored organizations with deep history and credibility in education abroad programming... 

The School for International Training (SIT)

  • An outgrowth of the 1932 "Experiment in International Living"
  • SIT established in 1964
  • 50 accredited undergraduate semester study abroad programs

University Study Abroad Consortium (USAC)

  • Founded in 1982
  • Approximately 50 programs in 25 countries
  • Hosting students from over 800 universities worldwide

College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS)

  • Founded in 1974
  • 95 programs in 30 countries
  • A unique partnership of 128 colleges and universities: 58 Two year institutions, 70 Four year institutions, and 23 International Members

The University of Cape Town (UCT) | South Africa

Film and Video

Film and Video

The Study Abroad Journal Film and Video department offers global insight and opportunity to students interested digital media.

The Journal works in cooperation with our partner UNIVERSITY FILMWORKS

SAJ educational film and video projects support international education and cultural exchange programs around the world through research, documentaries, news reporting, testimonials, ethnographic documentation, school and program branding and feature films.

Study Abroad Journal Film

A Day in the Life of Our School

Study Abroad Journal Film

What Makes a University Great

More than ever, film and video offer dynamic and interactive platforms for learning and sharing. Study Abroad Journal is developing new areas in digital media geared for students, teachers and universities.

  • Supporting Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC).
  • Providing new and innovative approaches to curriculum design.
  • Helping schools and universities to develop their own on-campus film studios.
  • Inspiring schools and universities to benefit from appropriate film program development.
Hospitality and Tourism

Hospitality and Tourism

Hospitality and Tourism in International Education

Hospitality and Tourism is a natural fit for study abroad and international education. With the significance of English as a common language and given the growth of international programs in hospitality, dynamic options and destinations are increasing available around the world.

"Hospitality and Tourism is a fast developing area in international education. Simply put, anyone studying the travel industry should gain as much international experience as possible."

Hospitality & Tourism | Phuket Internship | SHTM | University Filmworks

This department features stories, issues and successes from student and teachers around the globe.

Experiential or travel essays are welcome, particularly those focused on university programs and the tourism geography of far-flung locations around the world.

Do you have story, blog, journal, or travel experience relevant to the field of Hospitality and Tourism?

  • Adventure tourism, such as surf tourism
  • Community-based tourism
  • Health, wellness or medical tourism
  • New undergraduate and graduate programs in the US and abroad
  • Tourism geography
  • Special topics in tourism...



Photos and story by our Editor, Dr Steven A Martin

Click here or on the photos to explore this Blog


Surf Tourism Research is a great way learn about coastal management and the tourism industry while studying abroad.

Catch the Wave – Learn more about this healthy and fun sport, earn university credits, and publish your experience with the Study Abroad Journal.

Science Matters

Science Matters

In Science Matters, the SAJournal explores the new and dynamic programs and progress in science and international education.

Whereas study abroad was once viewed as unique to the humanities, with language acquisition as a key area, and social sciences increasing significant, the sciences have often been overlooked. However, science has indeed been a part of study abroad for a very long time, particularly in terms of education abroad and international education at the Master's and PhD levels.

Science Matters looks at the matter of science through micro and macro perspectives...

Study abroad at the Bachelor level is progressive area of increasing interest...

Originally from the University of Sydney, Australian scientist Raymond Ritchie has extensive international education experience, including Cornell University in the US.

Professor Raymond Ritchie heads up Study Abroad Journal Research and Science Department "Science Matters" and serves as the Journal's assistant editor.

Read more about this outstanding researcher on his WHO WE ARE page

Science Matters - Exploring the frontiers of science in international education and study abroad in the following areas:

  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • International Health
  • Medical Sciences
  • Scientific Research and Publication
  • Tropical Plant Biology

Please share your thoughts and comments on these or other topics.


Photos and Story by our Editor in Chief, Dr. Steven Martin

Click here or on the photos to explore our new article


Tiputini – The Jewel of the Amazon was written in support of the Tiputini Biodiversity Station located deep in the Amazon Rainforest at the Yasuni National Park and Biosphere Reserve and managed by the Universidad San Francisco de Quito.